By David Perkins presented by Channel-Z

The great UFO/cattle mutilation flap of 1994-95 continues unabated. Livestock are still being reported mysteriously mutilated with "cored" rectums, drained of blood and missing sex organs, udders, lips and tongues. Typically, the cuts are described as being done with "laser-like" precision. Predators avoid the carcasses and no tracks or signs of struggle are reported.

Our most recent visit with the intrepid San Luis Valley investigator, Chris O'Brien, revealed files bulging with current UAD'S (unusual animal deaths) and UFO reports. O'Brien, who was recently featured in two segments of the national TV show Sightings, says : "We are seeing a bit of a lull after the storm. Still, hardly a week goes by that I don't get some new report of strange aerial phenomena or unusual military operations in this area."

In his newsletter, The Mysterious Valley Report, Chris details a time period in late November, 1994, when the Valley suffered an intense period of mystery helicopter reports, multiple fires, auto accidents and wildly irrational human behavior. In one instance, an "ex-sheriff" called the sheriff's office and demanded that an officer come to his house and arrest him. On arriving, the officer found him "sober, dressed and ready to go." The ex-sheriff could not remember why he though he should be arrested and the matter was dripped.

O'Brien speculates that the militia could be using the area as a "test tube." "Maybe they're experimenting with techniques for de-stabilizing populations by pulsing certain microwave frequencies around." Chris ponders with a chuckle. Meanwhile, we do know that the Air National Guard is still pushing hard to expand its current La Veta Military Operation Area to include vast areas of the San Luis Valley.

The following represents a few of the strange events which have occurred recently.

Aug. 19, '94 The Cordova family of Truchas, NM reports finding 3 "classically" mutilated cows. Later, family members experience sever flu-like symptoms.

Aug. 23-Sept. 12 '94 The mutilators return to zap 4 cows in one of their favorite haunts of the 1970's, Elbert and El Paso counties. A bull named buddy is found missing his scrotum and eye. the bull's owner claims the surgery was done "with a high-tech instrument."

On September 5th, Clyde Chess, a board member of the Pikes Peak Cattlemen's Association, found one of his cows missing the udder, toungue lips and heart. The pregnant cow's fetus had also been taken. According to Chess, "the cuts were curled around the edges as if they were cut with something hot." The carcass underwent an unusually rapid deterioration similar to a June mutilation near Taos, NM. State livestock investigator Jerry Valerio said: "I cut in that heifer and there was no blood. The meat was really flaky... like it had been put through a microwave."

Aug. 30 '94 Eagle's Nest NM rancher Eli Hronich discovers his 15th mutilation in 18 months. Hronich experiences a burning sensation in his fingers for several days after examining the cow. He also reports sightings of unmarked helicopters, including one that hovers over him as he removes a mutilated cow from a field.

Investigator Linda Moulton Howe examines two Hronich mutilations and observes evidence of "high heat around every incision." Working with Denver pathologist, Dr. John Altshuler, Howe has made positive identification of "cooked hemoglobin" in numerous mutilated cow tissue samples.

Sept. 13 '94 In the most bizarre case of the year, Larry Gardea, a Chacon, NM hunter, observes several cattle being dragged struggling into the woods by a load humming sound ("like an arc-welder's torch.") Gardea fires two shots in the direction of the "sound beam" and takes off running. He returns to the scene with a Mora County sheriff's deputy and finds a mutilated cow.

Oct. 24-26-27, '94 Huerfano county, Colorado, rancher Erminio Andreatta finds three of his cows mutilated. On two cows, the rectum and female organs had been cut out. Each was missing two teats. The third cow's tongue and udder had been removed "like with a real sharp instrument." A puzzled Lonnie Brown, District Wildlife Manager, wondered: "Why would they go to the trouble of killing them and then suturing the wounds?"

Linda Mouton Howe, while examine the site, notices several 5-foot diameter "rings" in the soil. Working with biophysicist W.C. Levengood, Howe has determined that plants and proximity of several mutilated animals show the same "structural cellular alterations" as plants in the unexplained crop circle formations in England and elsewhere.

Dr. Levengood has stated that the plant samples he has examined from both mutilation sites and crop circles show evidence of "transient high temperatures" consistent with microwave energy.

Over the past 25 years, the deep winter months (Nov. through march) have traditionally yielded few mutilation reports. Texas investigator Tom Adams, has charted these seasonal cycles:" If, as the skeptics say, predators are solely responsible for mutilations, why wouldn't reports be made throughout the year? Do all the predators take a vacation every winter? The drop-off would seem to be a major clue. it's an anomaly within an anomaly."

And, oh yes, a recent survey conducted by the University of New Mexico revealed that eleven percent of Taos are residents are still hearing that weir sound know as the Taous hum.

Stay tuned...

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